Medication Management

1)What are the categories of medication used in Hospitals?

Tablets; Injection; Inhalants; suppositories; IV fluids; Ointments; Drops; Suspension; Syrup; Blood; Oxygen.

2)What are the seven rights of medication?

  • Right patient

  • Right drug

  • Right dose

  • Right  frequency

  • Right route

  • Right documentation

  • Right  reason/Drop 

3)What are the colour codings applied in medication to prevent errors?

  • Look Alike drugs  - Red 

  • Sound Alike drugs –Blue

  • High risk medication – Orange

  • Narcotics - Green

4)What do you mean by LASA Drugs?

LA- Look Alike drugs- some drug strips/boxes look similar to another drugs

SA-Sound Alike drugs- some drug name sounds similar to another drugs

5)What are the common Look Alike drugs in our hospital?









6)What are the common sound Alike drugs in our hospital?









7)How will you arrange LASA drugs?

  • Colour coding differentiation applied in store—Pharmacy—Drug storage cupboard—Drug trolley

  • Drug verified at three point of usage(while taking from stock, while preparing drug, before administration of drug) 

  • All LASA drugs will be stored in a zigzag manner.

  • General preventive measures for medication error will be applied.

8)What do you mean by High alert/High risk Medication?

  • Heightened risk of causing significant harm if it is used in error.

  • Has narrow therapeutic index

  • Small change in dosage/blood drug level leads to critical events.

9)What are the High alert medication used in hospital?


  • Adrenergic agonist(Adrenaline,Atropine)

  • Potassium & other electrolytes(Potassium Chloride,Sodiumbicarbonate,Calcium Carbonate)

  • Insulin

  • Narcotics & Sedatives

  • Chemo therapy/cardio acting drugs(Dopamine,Dobutamine)

  • Heparin & other Anti Coagulants (Heparin,Warfarin)

10)What do you mean by medication error?   

A medication error is any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or harm to a patient. 

11)Common examples of medication error?

  • Low dose  / High dose

  •  Missed dose

  • Illegible order

  • Drug-drug interaction

  • Inadequate monitoring 

  • Preparation error 

  •  Wrong Route/ Wrong time/ Wrong technique/ Wrong patient error

  • Omission error

12)Preventive measures of Medication error?

  • Double check while administering High alert drugs

  • Follow LASA Principles

  • Periodic Prescription audit & Follow TALL MAN Principle

  • Adherence to protocols.

  • Communication & Close monitoring of patients having High alert medications.

  • Ready with Antidote/Reversal agents

  • Limit verbal orders. 

13)What is Recall policy?

  • Drugs with following some adverse events or Not satisfied with drug(like turbid in iv fluids) & Expired drugs will be send back to pharmacy with batch number.

  • Store pharmacist will receive all drugs from same batch number from all departments.

  • Same will be reported to TNMSC& Necessary action will be taken.

14)What is Narcotic policy?

  • Under Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances Act.(NDPS Act) shall be as per the legal and regulatory norms of the government.

  • Separate stock registers shall be maintained and is subjected to routine expiry checks.

  • Narcotic and psychotropic drugs shall be stored in a Immovable double lock system and shall be handled by the chief pharmacist and Incharge MO (in store ) incharge staff & duty MO(ward) respectively. 

  • Dispensed only on prescription where in the doctors name, signature and orders are available as the same is mandatory. 

  • Dispensing of new drug shall be based on the receipt of the ampoules(Empty) of the drug dispense to store

  • In case any expiry of drugs discarding  is witnessed with public person reported to the governing officials.

15)What is Verbal order policy?

In case of emergency situations/absence of  specilised doctors Verbal order can be accepted from registered medical personnels.

The order should be followed.,

  • Authorised prescriber identifies self,specifies the patient name& communicates the order.

  • Read back policy to be followed:Repeats the order back to the authorized prescriber including the patient name,drug name,spelling of drug to avoid an error due to sound alike drugs,Dosage,pronouncing it in single digits(eg 25mg as two five ),route,frequency(eg.,three times daily not TID),requests indication to avaiod medication error.

  • Proper record  containing date,time,authorized prescriber name,receiver name,status & signshould be done with available doctors.

  • Concerned authorized prescriber (orderd doctor) should complete the prescription in the casesheets within 24 hours.

  • Proper two way communication should be done by Medical personnels too

  • Same policy applied for critical values of diagnostic tests.

15)What is Reimbursement  policy?

Our hospital don’t have Reimbursement  policy

16)What will you do in case of ADE’s?

  • Incase of adverse drug reaction report to drug formulary committee with ADE forms.

  • Report store & follow recall policy if necessary(ADE reported in many cases with same drug)

17)Clinical symptoms presented in ADE’S?

  • Rash

  • Respiratory rate changes

  • Bradycardia or tachycardia

  • Mental status changes

  • Seizure

  • Diarrhea

  • Anaphylaxis

  • Fever

18)Buffer stock calculation?

  • Minimum order level:Average consumption * lead time(Routine indent )

  • Buffer stock=Maximum consumption – Averageconsuption * lead time(Additional drugs)

  • Reorder level=Minimum order level+Bufferstock(Reminder to indent)

19) Multidose vial policy (MDVP)?

  • Multidose vial including the specific conditions that warrant immediate disposal, use within a maximum of six hours, and the criteria allowing for an opened vial to be be kept and used for up to 28 days after opening.

  • Or maximum 10 pricks 

  • Needle should not be left in the vial.

  • The opening of the vial should be wiped with spirit cotton before each & every use of the vial.

20) How will Oxygen cylinder Manintained in Wards?

  • Signage boards mentioning CAUTION, INFLAMABLE AREA, NO SMOKING must be displayed.

  • Full and empty cylinders are stored separately with clear signage board

  • Full cylinders are stocked in vertical position only.

  • Empty cylinders are stocked in Horizontal position only.

  • Regular maintenance of checklist for better emergency care.


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